short article describes the mechanism of the galactic big bang at the
centre of a galaxy. The galactic centre is a super massive galactic
black hole (GBH) of extremely high density at temperature close to
absolute zero. Galactic big bang is not a collision between a
massive body and a super massive GBH. It is a spontaneous release of
gamma ray energy and matter, when the temperature of GBH is at
absolute zero.
is the Galactic Big Bang discovered?
derivation comes from the link and connection between the basis of
spiritualism in life and the basis of matter. The common basis is
energy. The analogous comparison with spiritual life, leads to the
conclusion that matter from GBH becoming free energy when matter
suddenly becomes non matter.
is not exactly clear from my analogous comparison, why matter from
GBH suddenly become non matter. From the analogous comparison, I
propose two possible reasons for matter becoming non matter.
At absolute temperature of 0K. This article is based on this
the temperature of 0K, the energy flow1
of compressive
in GBH stop, and matter becoming non matter (free energy).
When energy flow1
in matter stop. E.g. when electron collided with positron, if the net
energy flow3
stop, gamma ray is generated.
Big Bang mechanism.
temperature of GBH will reduce and move towards absolute zero when
matter fall into GBH. A time will come when portion of the GBH is at
0K. The absolute zero temperature causes mass portion to be
converted to free energy. The sudden huge reduction in gravity and
the sudden huge release of energy is a cataclysmic big bang.
Secondary explosion can happen after the ejected matter moves out of the black hole. Without severe compression, massive particles become unstable and decomposed into lighter particles giving off energy. The decompression of the matter may also absorb heat energy causing some spots to be at absolute temperature causing secondary burst of energy.
galaxy planar shape appears to be the aftermath of a galactic big
bang in the past. The galactic big bang leads to the galactic
expansion cycle. This caused the evolution of the galaxy shape from a
spot or centre of galactic cluster to unbalance spiral galaxy or
balance spiral galaxy shape follow by ellipsoid galaxy shape. The
time scale for this transformation is very long.
the galactic expansion cycle stop and the galactic contraction cycle
will start. This change over is a result of GBH becoming more massive
over time. The ellipsoid galaxy shape will contract and become
galactic cluster or a spot, followed by the next galactic big bang.
I.e. the cycle will be endless cycle of expansion, contraction and
big bangs.
matter is ejected from GBH
a massive body falls towards GBH, matter goes through extreme
compression and generates gamma ray energy. Likewise when compress
matter absorbed gamma ray energy, it will go through decompression.
When the galactic big bang occurs in the centre, the gamma energy is
generated at the centre. The gamma ray will travel in all direction
causing matter surrounding it to decompress. The decompression caused
a force on both the GBH and the ejected matter. As GBH is very much
more massive, the portion of decompress matter shoots out of the
galactic black hole at high speed. The gamma ray also escape from the
GBH. As Hydrogen is the element with the lowest energy absorption,
most of the matter will decompress into Hydrogen. This provides ample
raw material for the birth of new stars after the galactic big bang.
It is also possible that other compounds and elements, including
radioactive elements, be formed from the decompression.
of ejected matter
temperature of the GBH is lowest at the centre of GBH. i.e., Energy
is liberated in the centre. The GBH is thinner above and below the
galactic plane. Thus, the direction of the ejected matter is thus the
approximately vertical above and below the centre of the galactic
1. Energy flow consists of
spin and orbital angular momentum.
It is not known exactly what particles forms matter behaves in a
highly compressive GBH.
Similar to note 1, except energy flow consists of spin.