Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Theory of mind formation base on beings with matter base bodies e.g. animals and human beings.

In the universe, there are two aspects, one is matter formation and the other is life formation or mind formation. Much is known about science of matter, but little is known about life formation. This is because there are various matter based sensors or detectors which are able to obtain information about the matter body. Matter based sensors or detectors do not detect life formation in general. If the life formation have matter bodies, as in the case of animals or human, matter based detectors can detect their matter bodies. E.g. the optical camera or biological eye can detect the animals or a human being.

Matter on the micro1 scale consists of particles flow which is random particle motion. The particles themselves are actually almost permanent electromagnetic energy flow which is setup as nuclear energy. Einstein equation E=mc2 show the equivalence between matter content (i.e. mass) and energy. This equation holds true for matter in both macro and micro scale. The matterform energy is the permanent electromagnetic energy flow in matter.

Life formation in the human body also consists of energy flow through matter based brain neural network. This energy flow allow the setup of the mind which is related to the person self or ego level. This energy flow can also be referring to as mindform energy or mental energy or the mind.

Animals also have the same energy flow except their matter based brain neural network consist of less neuron than human; therefore, their processing capability is impaired. Thus, life formation is some sort of a bond between the material human body and the mindform energy. I.e. Each life form has its own mindform energy. All animals and humans has a death process which the mindform energy stop flowing and leave their matter based body. Their matter based body become non living thing and are subject to decay and decomposition.

This life formation can be analogously compared to a computer which is energy flowing in the electronic circuits. The processing capability of the computer in general depends on the circuit nodes or circuit complexity. Switching off the computer, the energy flow stop, the computer processing stop, and heat energy is liberated.

In contrast, life form is considered dead when the energy flow or mindform energy flow stop in the matter based brain neural network. The reported reincarnation experience and study by Prof Ian Stevenson suggested that there is some sort continuity between the previous life and the next reincarnated life. After reincarnation, the mindform energy flow in the new reincarnated body, thus suggesting some sort of permanency setup of this mindform energy flow analogous to matter energy flow. The reincarnated person has the capacity to recall his previous life through this mindform energy only if he has developed the capability. I.e. there is memory stored in this mindform energy flow, an infinite store of past life experiences.

The difficulty of writing this article on analogous comparison between matterform and mindform energy is that not much is known about mindform. This is because matter based sensors do not detect mindform energy. Mindform energy can only be detected by one’s own mindform energy in the same mind domain. Each life form has its own mindform energy. It has to use its own mindform energy to detect. The detection capability of each own mindform energy is very different. Animals and human beings are mindform energy bonded to biological matter body, so their ability to detect mindform domain is impaired. Most people have very poor detection. However, very few people have developed the capability to detect. Unfortunately, they can’t be shared or borrow just the way matterform sensor can be shared or build or used in getting reproducible results.

As I do not have the capability to detect mindform energy, I have to base on what is reported on the internet. Also, the possibility of reported information being incorrect further complicates matters. Nevertheless, it is the only way of getting the information, and the information can be subjected to consistency check. One person stands out in providing information. He was Prince Siddharta who lived in the 6th century BC, the founder of Buddhism and is known as a Buddha. The Buddha, himself claim to have six higher knowledge or power. (Abhijna)2 such as Iddhi3, telepathy, super-hearing, divine seeing, and seeing past lives. In this article, what matters is the Buddha omniscence4 capability.

Prince Siddharta background from being a prince to an ascetic to the Buddha suggested that

a) He has no material ulterior motives

b) He has no interest in power and influence

c) His only motives is to teach the way (i) to nirvana for monks and

(ii) to a happy layman life for laymen.

The Buddha 4th precepts for layman is

I undertake the rule of training which consists in abstention from false speech

Therefore it is unlikely that his own claim is false, as this precept also apply to the monks, arahats and the Buddha. The arahats and the Buddha are fully enlightened (nirvana). They are in the state of non-self or zero self. They have absolutely no craving, no desire or aversion and in perfect equanimity. Thus, with no ulterior motive to tell a lie, therefore only told the truth.

The mind is higher than matter. Mind can control matter, i.e. Ghosts do not have matter bodies, so generally matter based detectors do not detect them. However there are cases of ghost being detected by matter based sensors. Such cases are probably due to the ghost mindform energy creating a matter based ghostly apparition. [For example, in some cases, ghosts can be detected by matter based sensors only if the mind of the ghost will or enable the detection of ghostly apparition.]

In reincarnation, it was reported that persons who suffered a violent death such as getting shot or being stabbed was born with birth marks in his next reincarnated life. The location of the birth mark exactly correspond to where he was shot or stabbed in his past life body.5 A possible explanation of the birth mark is the mind occupation on the spot before death. In the next life, the marks are formed from the continuation of the mind to dwell at the spot.

A Buddhist monk was reported to have many instances of his body in monanstery.3 His mind must have willed the duplication of his body. Obviously there was only one real body and the others were creation out from air.

The above is the short description of the theory of life formation. It is theory, since none of it can be scientifically proven through matter based sensors.

Thus, the first analogous comparison between matter formation and life formation is matterform energy flow and mindform energy flow.

The difference between matterform energy and mindform energy flow is yet to be discovered, but the operative nature of mindform energy flow is in different domain of which the exact nature remain to be discovered. Perhaps by comparing analogously between matter and life, some information could be revealed. However, the mindform domain is very different from matter domain, and it is expected to have some differences. One can see that matter based sciences is quantifiable while mindform domain science is still primitive and not quantifiable.

What aspect to start the comparison? For matter, temperature is used and the effect on external (macro level) and internal motion (micro level). For life formation, self or ego level and its relation on mental activity is compared. For matter, it is well known that temperature is a measure of internal motion. For life, the analogous statement is self or ego level is an abstract indication of mental activity. When a person has a very strong self or ego, it can be said that he is selfish, and he has many desires and aversions. He will be thinking how to achieve his desires and to prevent aversions from happening. He may be expressing, cursing, angry and worry if his desire is not achieved or his aversions keep on happening. He may plan or do evil deeds such as murder, stealing or corruption just to achieve his desires or prevent his aversions from happening. Day to day, there will be many mental objects and activity happening in his mind. I.e., the stronger, the self or ego level, the stronger is the mental activity. Concentration level is the ability to do a single mental object and focus at it at all time. Thus, when mental activity increases concentration level decreases. This is the second analogous comparison between matter and life – temperature versus self or ego level.

The next analogous comparison is the about the sensing capability of one own mindform energy to detect other mindform energy. Those with higher self or ego level generally have higher mental activity. This activity is unrelated to sensing other mindform energy. They are analogous to noise in matterform sensors. Should the noise be higher than signal in matterform sensor, detection is not possible. For mindform sensors to be capable, the right mental activity must be higher than other irrelevant mental activity or noise. Such mental activity process is also known as concentration meditation.

Some matter exhibit superconductivity and super fluidity at temperature close to zero. These correspond to low mental activity or low ego or self level close to zero. At that ego or self level, some human beings may possess special powers. These jhana special powers are

a) Can travel thro matter. Pass through walls, earth as if flying at the very high speed, e.g. light speed, through the air.6

b) Can interact with matter7.

c) Can read other mindform energy8 thoughts, feelings and speech.

In near death experience, the mindform energy is weakly bonded to the body and may left the body. The mindform energy is able to travel through matter. However, it can only read other human beings interactions, feel emotions and thoughts, and the voice communications between human beings. This is not done through one’s own dying matter body but by tapping and reading the mindform energy of others. However the ability of the mindform energy to communicate with others is not possible, simply because the others have poor read or detection capability of mindform energy, and they read and understand through their matter bodies sense organs. For interaction with matter, it is not known to be capable.

For matter with high temperature superconductivity such as hydrogen sulphide9 gas, this is analogous to special powers in mindform with much higher self or ego level. For such mindform, the above special powers can develop when the concentration power is high enough. However, such mindform or person must practice concentration meditation to increase concentration level. To see how this can happen with concentration, let’s consider the ideal gas law equations on the matter domain. The ideal Gas Law equation PV = RT, where P is pressure, V is volume, R a constant, T is temperature is in matter domain. The counterpart in life form domain could not be quantified and represented by equations. However the meaning and relation between parameters can be discovered. The mental concentration acting on the container or spread of mental activity is related to the self or ego level of the person. The above relationship happen to hold true for a person with higher self or ego level to achieve jhana special powers is that he must do concentration meditation10.

Matter has states such as particle, solid, liquid, gases, plasma depend on its temperature. Life also has states of existence depend on the ego or self level. These states of existence are the six sensory planes; follow by planes beyond the sensory planes. Animals and Humans are planes with matter bodies bonded to their mindform energy. The sensory beings in order of the reducing ego or self level are Hell beings, ghost, demon, animals, human beings and heavenly beings. Hell beings are thus, have the highest ego or self level. Animals and human being are the only sensory life form with matter bodies. States of matter is thus analogous to planes of existence.

In matter domain, the Newton’s law of motion is obeyed. For whatever action force there is a reaction force. If a matter object is applied a force, there is a reaction force on the applicator. The 1st and 3rd law is analogous to the law of karma. Generally, a person who punches another person will get a punch back from the other person.

However, the person who punches a holy man will not get a punch back. It appears that the law of karma failed to work. But according to the Buddha, the karma works because the person who punch the holy man, will pay for his wicked deed next time, when his karma matures, e.g. life in woeful states e.g. hell. The holy man is analogous to a fixed concrete wall. The person who punches is analogous to a vehicle travelling and collided with the fixed concrete wall. After collision, the vehicle is deformed because the effect of the collision is transfer to the micro scale of the atomic particles of the vehicle, causing the vehicle to be deformed. The person who punch the holy man; because of his act; his ego or self level will increase on the micro scale; thus, should he died; his future life will be in lower planes of existence.

Consider a suicide bomber who sacrifices his life to kill innocent victims. He does his act out of out of ignorance or mistaken belief in rewards or promoting a cause favourable to his group. Some victims after being killed; develop hatred towards the suicide bomber. Because of hatred, these victims and the suicide bomber will be reborn in woeful states of existences and continue fighting. In the human plane of existence there are laws and system to prevent endless fight. But in the woeful state of existence, there is no such law or system. So the suicide bomber will be fighting against many of the victims and suffer endless blows. A similar situation is one who triggers and orders the detonation of the nuclear bomb. 

The second law, Force = mass X acceleration, however, seem inapplicable to mind domain. Perhaps, the Force is analogous to the mental activity of the mind will to travel. The mass in the matter domain appear not to have any analogous in the mind domain, because whatever the analogous item in the mind domain its value is either zero or extremely small, almost zero. Thus, the mind may travel at a maximum speed limit, just like the speed of light in matter domain or no speed limit. The maxmum speed or whether there is a speed limit remains to be discovered in the future.

Matter can go through nuclear reaction, generating energy. An example is the annihilation of electron and positron generating energy. An electron has the same mass with positron but opposite spin. When low momentum electron collided with low momentum positron, there is a high possibility the spin cancelled out and matterform energy flow is stopped. This is analogous to mindform energy flow stopped at the moment of death, and mindform energy is liberated. I.e. ‘Death of matter’ or purely electromagnetic energy liberation is analogous to momentarily nirvana at the moment of death. Clearly, nirvana in life form is analogous to nuclear reaction in matter. For, matter based bodies such as the stars or the sun in our solar system, they goes through nuclear reaction to generate energy. This is analogous to nirvana, an event achieved in a human lifetime before death.

When light energy liberate from matter in a star nuclear reaction, it travel at the speed of light. The analogous in mindform domain is the capability of mindform energy to travel from slow speed to extremely fast as in a single thought moment. This experience has been described in near death experiences. The Buddha also has described the speed as a flash of lightning which represent the speed of light. The alternative description would be thunder which would be slower and is the speed of sound. However this description was not used.

Thus liberation of energy in matter is analogous to the nirvana state in spiritual life. Nirvana is a state where desires or aversions are ended or no desires and no aversions. It is also a state of non self or no ego or self level. It is the absolute zero of ego or self level in perfect equanimity. This is analogous to matter temperature at absolute zero. In the universe, the temperature close to absolute zero is the galactic black hole or the intergalactic space. As the intergalactic space is mostly empty, it is unlikely to go down to temperature at absolute zero. The more massive the galactic black hole, the closer to the temperature to absolute zero. Since nirvana is analogous to matterform energy liberation, when portion of the galactic black hole temperature is absolute zero, a big bang is predicted. As the portion of the GBH at absolute zero can varies from minute to massive, a galactic minute burp, galactic jet ranges to galactic big bang is predicted. The galactic burp and galactic jet has been confirmed in observation. As the mass of the particle in the Galactic black hole can ranges from simple particle like electron to massive particle i.e. gamma rays from MeV to TeV ranges can be emitted in a galactic big bang. After the galactic big bang, matter as particles undergoes decompression causing particles to become lighter. The decompression will require energy and the temperature may again be at absolute zero causing a secondary explosion.

A write up on the galactic big bang is found listed below.


Comment (Yin) on Nov 14 2016



Comment (Yin) on Feb 8 2017

For more analogous comparison between matterform and mindform please refer to


Having done the analogous comparison, the objective of matter is to provide energy to sustain life. The mindform energy, however, is to set up the mind, so that living beings roam the universe. The built in karma and the planes of existence provide a fair and just automatic punishing and reward system. Those, who aim for nirvana, has to go through effort to reduce self or ego level and achieve ultimate serenity, which is the objective for Buddhist monks.

Lastly as matter and life are actually consisting of energy flow, it would make sense if electromagnetic energy is a fundamental object, while mass is derived quantity. 


1. Macro scale is the zoom level which is what our eyes see or detect. Micro level is the zoom level where its particles can be observed.


Abhijñā from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Ṛddhi From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Iddhi)

An example of near death experiences has been reported to match the Buddha concept of iddhi is the case of Anita Moorjani.

Consistency is also shown in the Buddhist text on iddhi.

3.a ...... At that moment Cula Panthaka said to himself, “My brother says, ‘There are no monks in the monastery.’ I will show him that there are monks in the monastery.” And forthwith he filled the whole mango grove with monks. Some of them were making robes, others were dyeing robes, others were repeating the sacred texts. Thus did Cula Panthaka create by supernormal power a thousand monks, each different from every other. So when Jivaka’s messenger saw the numerous monks, he returned and told Jivaka, “Noble sir, the entire mango grove is full of monks.” And right there the Elder Cula Panthaka did as follows:

Panthaka, multiplying himself a thousandfold,

Sat in the charming mango grove until he was sent for.

The Teacher said to the man, “Go to the monastery and say, ‘The Teacher summons Cula Panthaka.’ ” The man went and said what he was told to say. Thereupon the cry went up from a thousand throats, “I am Cula Panthaka! I am Cula Panthaka!” The man returned and said, “Reverend sir, they all say they are Cula Panthaka.” Said the Teacher, “Well then, go and take by the hand the first monk that says, ‘I am Cula Panthaka,’ and the rest will disappear.” The man did so. Immediately the thousand monks disappeared. The Elder Cula Panthaka returned with the man who came for him.

Note: The text suggested the ability of Cula Panthaka to teleport himself to the first one that the man hold and the thousand of his created monks disappeared. This is very difficult to accept in modern times because such event has never occur again. For any ordinary person, such event is absolutely impossible. But in front of many people and the buddha, a lie would have been found out and the text would not be recorded as in the holy text. Moreover, the text is also consistent in other events mentioned by the holy text, such as given below. (3b, 3c and 3d)

b Some monks came to see the Buddha and, hearing the Dhamma attained Arahantship with psychic powers. Later, they departed flying through the air. The Venerable Ananda, who had seen them coming, noticed their absence and inquired of the Buddha where they had gone. Just at that moment some swans flew through the air. Then the Buddha remarked that Arahants, who possess psychic powers, go through the air like swans. Dhammapada verse 13

c The Buddha daily routine. Scan the world if he could render any help to anyone in the nirvana goal. Appear and teach the dharmma.

d Miracle of Psychic Power

He can split himself into many "self-bodies" and become one. He appears and vanishes. He can go unimpeded through walls, ramparts, and mountains as if through space. He dives in and out of the earth as if it were water. He walks on water as if it were dry land. Sitting cross- legged he flies through the air like a bird. His mind-made body can travel as far as the Brahma world (Astral travel). With his hand he can touch even the sun and moon, so mighty and powerful.

Digha Nikaya 11,


Simsapa Sutta: The Simsapa Leaves translated from the Pali by Maurice O'Connell Walshe

The Buddha omniscience capability is consistent with the concept of infinite past lives in different world systems and his six higher knowledges or power. Knowledge from the past lives, especially those corresponding to the time age of science, technology can be obtained. The use of earth, water, air and fire element as the solid, liquid, gases and temperature and the concept of the nanosecond time duration in modern times, as the flash of lightning indicate his awareness of modern science.

5. Birthmarks and Birth Defects Corresponding to Wounds on Deceased Persons Dr. Ian Stevenson. Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 403-410, 1993

6. See note 3. This also has been described in certain near death experience, when the mindform energy left the dying body and performing the special power.

7. See note 3. The ability of replicate and project bodily images of oneself is mental interaction with matter, mind control over matter. I.e. Mind higher than matter.

8. See note 3. The mind reader. Communication mind to mind is only possible if the other mindform energy also have the jhana special powers. This is observed in certain near death experiences where the mindform energy leaves the dying body and performing the mind reader.


Hydrogen Sulphide Smashes Superconductor Temperature Record 


The Jhanas in Theravada Buddhist Meditation.

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